Jasmin Horrelt
F-68220 Ranspach le Haut

Jasmin Horrelt -Dipl.Ing. Landespflege (FH)
Im Schwarzenbach 6
D-79576 Weil am Rhein
Tel. 0049 7621 770 878


Renaturation plays a vital role in fostering biodiversity and counteracting species extinction. By prioritizing species protection, insect protection, and nature conservation, we can create sustainable ecosystems that support plant diversity and landscape ecology. Near-natural gardens, kindergartens, schools, and company premises offer practical solutions for enhancing biotopes and promoting ecological values. Initiatives like orchards, hedgehog help, bird protection, and little owl conservation contribute to the protection of amphibians and other wildlife. These efforts align with environmental protection goals, ensur

Jasmin Horrelt
F-68220 Ranspach le Haut

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